Not thinking about innovation? You should be.

In the last year the number of innovation projects we help our clients with at The Crow Flies has stepped up. At first we thought it just a blip, but Helen Edward‘s article in Marketing Week underlines why, when times are tough, you need to have real clarity of focus on what’s important in your marketing mix – and innovation is right up there. As she says in the piece:
“Consumers love brands that don’t stand still. Think Apple, Red Bull, Spotify, Zara, L’Oréal. So, commit. Make 2024 the year you innovate. And by year’s end, you might find that you have not only better ridden out this bleak backdrop of economic and societal gloom, but perhaps, in some small way, actually done something to change it”.
If you’re looking for an innovation partner to build your brand’s pipeline, or need to start from scratch with the fundamentals – we can help. | +44 (0) 1283 295100
Link to Helen’s article is also here.